Our DNA is a very complex, yet fascinating study for both academics and curious minds alike. In the realm of genetic engineering, scientists study how our cells are composed, how they reproduce themselves and how long they last before fading away in time. You may be thinking, “How is it possible for tiny micro organisms to form other organisms as small as a fruit fly to something as gigantic as a whale?” To answer this question of life’s great many mysteries, we’ll need to go back to the beginning of life on Earth. As you probably already surmised (or not, but that’s fine), Earth was formed when a series of asteroids converged together and merged themselves into a planetoid at the time.

Starting Off Small

As the conditions of our planet became more hospitable, the first living things on our planet were single-celled organisms. But these particular organisms could only thrive underwater for a time. Moving forward, the cells eventually learned to reproduce and merge themselves into larger organisms for the sake of survival. Their evolution into these larger beings eventually led them to move out of their waters and begin their evolutionary stages on land. Through the passage of time, evolution began a cycle of wash, rinse, repeat, while also creating new species of life on Earth from plants, to animals and, yes, humans.

Pioneers of Bio Engineering

Upon learning of the cells in all living things, biologists began experimenting with those cells to see if they can either replicate the process of creating life, or just achieve something as simple as re-growing a limb of sorts. The process of transferring genes from one organism to another was done by Biochemists Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen in 1973. Their innovative restructuring of genes paved the way for advanced techniques such as direct modifications to genomes, the discovery of restriction enzymes and DNA ligases, the skills of designing plasmids and more. Our cells are literally the building blocks of life on Earth, and much like everything else from our ancient past, there’s an intricate design to our genetic templates. Of course, there are some complications with these said-genetics, especially when it involves saving the lives of others.  

Hope For The Future

 But, as technology continues to improve over the years, so, too does our understanding of cellular structures. Maybe one day, we’ll be able to come up with solutions to cure the most incurable diseases that have festered our world and heal the wounds that seek to be mended.


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