Remember when streaming services had only just started? We could save money by ditching cable providers and paying for the internet. We have been given whole libraries of media, not just on our TVs but nearly anywhere we can log in, with shows and movies at our fingertips. And even though what I said above is still the case, things have gotten complicated. As the idea of a streaming platform became more popular, so came the companies who sought to make their platform, and well, here we are. So, let’s pick a subscription and start watching.
Sure, some obvious ones stream most of America’s favorite content, like Netflix, Disney+, and Max (formerly HBO Max). But what about some of the more obscure ones? Over a dozen streaming services cover nearly everything, such as Home Life: Discovery+, Horror Movies: Shudder, Quirky Original Content: Apple TV, Sports Coverage: Pogo, and so much more. And if you think that’s a lot, you’re not the only one! Over (54%) of Americans Think too many streaming services are available. So many that you may not have realized that one or more of the platforms mentioned are shut down or don’t even exist! With over a dozen streaming services, nearly (65%) of Americans find it hard to find shows and movies they want to watch. Why? Because content is spread out across every major platform. While each platform has its originals, many licensed content can leave a platform monthly.
TV accessibility may be considered a “luxury item,” but it’s very important for education and social development and has come a long way. However, there’s always much that remains to be done. What many people don’t realize is that accessibility benefits people with and without disabilities. In the U.S. alone, at least 61 million adults live with a disability, and a survey conducted by Scope has found that 80% of disabled people have experienced accessibility issues with online streaming services. “This is due to a lack of accessibility features, such as audio description and subtitles, flashing image warnings and inaccessible login and menu pages, so having no consistent or particular streaming service to invest in.” And in the UK, more than 47% of homes have a subscription to either Netflix, Now TV or Amazon Prime Video. However, disabled people say they feel “forgotten” and “excluded” by streaming services due to inaccessible issues. Missing out on the latest film or TV series is not just about missing out on the content.
With all of that said, there’s no clear solution to this dilemma outside of planning your budget. Mainly due to many factors, including licensing, rights holders, or a company looking to monopolize their exclusive content. Fortunately, many companies and rights holders for shows and movies decided to make streaming services that are not only accessible but free, such as Pluto TV, Tubi, The Roku Channel, Crackle, and Peacock. Including these and several less-known streaming services that are becoming more user-friendly, it’s clear that many issues that the consumers have are being slowly narrowed down. All we can do now is stay tuned in.
Kerai, Alex. “Streaming Overload: Too Many Services?”, 21 June 2023, Accessed 22 December 2023.
Purcell, Emma, and Harry Potter. “Accessibility issues with online streaming services.” Disability Horizons, 24 June 2020, Accessed 12 January 2024.