Canoga Park, CA (January 12, 2024) –”The Able Show,” a groundbreaking series created by Davina Douthard, is the latest addition to the podcasting world. The show is a collaboration between Polishing the Professional (PTP), a job training and placement program, and Dream Magic Studios (DMS) – a state-of-the-art production studio. The show interviews celebrity guests, pop-culture figures, and inspiring individuals from disabled and non-disabled communities. The Able Show podcast further promises to explore crucial subjects through the voices of individuals with disabilities. The first episode will debut on January 29, 2024. It is available on its official website and various podcast platforms, offering a fresh perspective on intriguing topics such as entertainment, sports, human rights, and more!

The first five episodes of The Able Show feature special guests such as creator and executive producer Davina Douthard, legendary comedian Joe Torry, global recording sensation and equality activist Tennille Amor, fashion house Rogers Pearson, and comedian extraordinaire Na’im Lynn. What sets “The Able Show” apart is that individuals with disabilities run the show: Olden Polynice, Scott Ealey, Rebecca Cristancho, and Bruna Bertossi host the show. Most people know Polynice from his 17-year NBA career but don’t know he was born with a disability and was never supposed to walk—Ealey, who has autism but, despite his communication challenges, is an extraordinary co-host. Check out our promotional video below.

Davina Douthard, Executive Producer and CEO of PTP, shares the inspiration behind the podcast: “I have helped individuals with disabilities find employment since 1998. During that time, I recognized most people severely underestimated them by focusing on limitations. Although PTP is outstanding at job placement, placing nearly 300 clients in direct competitive employment in over a year, I had clients who wanted to work in the entertainment industry. However, the support systems available don’t favor the entertainment industry’s gig economy, so I set out to help clients find training and employment opportunities in film and television.”

Carefully selected by a professional team at Polishing The Professional, each cast member and crew brings unique talents to the production. From writers to graphic designers, hosts, DJs, and craft services, the podcast promises a distinctive listening experience. Bertha Rodriguez, Production Manager, expresses her anticipation: “I believe the podcast will leave a lasting impact. It explores diverse topics, potentially opening new avenues for our audience to explore.” The inaugural episode, titled “We Are Able,” focuses on showcasing the remarkable talents of disabled individuals and why a show of this kind is essential.         The show’s job training and hands-on production by individuals with disabilities lend to its uniqueness – an impressive feat!                                                           

To immerse yourself in exciting guests and the empowering stories of “The Able Show,” mark your calendar for the pilot episode release on January 29, 2024. Please stay connected at  and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Spotify. Get inspired by the triumphs over challenges on this remarkable journey.

*Cast and crew are available for interviews.

About Polishing the Professional

Established in 1991, Polishing the Professional (PTP) is a full-service career center. PTP offers person-centered planning to help job seekers identify careers that complement their strengths, skills, and interests. PTP aims to reach every professional who wants to polish their skills and image to succeed in the workforce. To accommodate professionals requiring greater assistance, PTP maintains master agreements and contracts with 21 Regional Centers throughout California, such as the Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work program, The Los Angeles County Community & Senior Services (WDACS), and the Department of Rehabilitation.

About Dream Magic Studios

The Dream Magic Studios complex is a state-of-the-art working production studio in Los Angeles, California. As a one-stop facility from pre- to post-production, clients need everything in one integrated location. The studio provides custom options for short or long-term projects in an environment that inspires the creativity and productivity of your team. Dream Magic Studios is an extension of the Silverbird Group, which functions as a studio space for in-house productions and third-party contracting.
