Great Documentaries Inspire

Greatly Inspired by the documentary, “Seymour Bernstein: An Introduction” is why I decided to write this blog.  Seymour Bernstein, a concert pianist turned composer, related music to life in seven categories.  Rhythm, harmony, melody, repetition, dissonance and augmentation.  The list goes on, if you want to really analyze the idea.  I thought it would be interesting to explore this idea in the blog because if everyone relates to music in a positive way, if music relates to life, why not relate to life in a positive way.  Music is one of the most universal arts forms. In many ways, music is like life, imitating its complexities that bring with it, beauty. In music, there is rhythm, repetition, harmony, melody, dissonance, and augmentation, and life follows the same pattern. 

Music Is At The Heart Of Daily Living

Rhythm is defined as steady movement.  Musical rhythm in music can be related to the steadiness of a heartbeat.  Your heartbeat is what keeps you alive and so does music!  Rhythm in life is the pace at which you go about your day and the steps it takes to reach a goal. The rhythm of music also relates to the ebb and flow of thoughts, feelings, and actions.  Have you ever been at work and your day goes so smoothly and at the end of the day you were surprised you had a great day?  That’s because you found your rhythm and flow of everyday life.   As I spoke about rhythm in relationship to work, repetition is also extremely important in a work situation.  Repetition allows mastery to happen.  Repetition is in how we work, practice, and succeed. We have to repeat everything that we do to excel in life. For instance, you show up at work and perform the same tasks repeatedly. Once you repeat what you do, your job duties become rhythmic as you master your skills.

Harmony and Melody Carry Life’s Tune

Harmony in music is when we hear two voices at the same time. We see harmonization in life when we balance two aspects of our lives. For instance, we experience harmony when we learn to balance our personal and career lives by carving out time to do the parts of life we enjoy and the parts of life needed to survive.  Musical movement is the beauty of life. We all can relate to music in how we find the melody in our lives. Melodies have a strong hook that reels you in. As we move through life, strong melodies are a part of us. Each musical note embodies our soul because we are the melody of our lives.  Melody is the cadence of life.  Each musical movement, each phrase of music has its own phase, a time in our life that served a specific purpose or emotional expression.  The songs we sing become us and the more we listen to it the more we are able to feel positive.  Music never dies. Every great song has a memorable melody, continuing on when we leave and the songs we love become our tradition.  Musical works that have been created by the famous classical performers, rock musicians, etc. live on forever.  I think that is really precious because we get to carry certain melodies with us that help us remember I certain event, or season when we felt a certain way.

How Musical Notes Shape Our Lives

Dissonance in music is a musical note creating tension and lacking harmony. Dissonant notes create disturbing sounds until the following note resolves to make a release, a sound that puts your ear at ease. Dissonance in life is something you dislike or feel you lack pieces of your life that should otherwise create a sense of calm. Dissonant times create fiery emotions until we release them through something we enjoy or do that makes us happy. Instead of seeing dissonance as a struggle, we can find harmony in dissonance by allowing ourselves to accept hard times. Through dissonance, we can arrive at experiencing a release that leads us to harmony.  Augmentation in music is when musical chords have an open quality of movement. In other words, we use an augmented chord to make a chord sound bigger. Augmentation in music relates to life by our determination to reach bigger goals. We augment our lives by seeing ourselves openly.  

The Complicated Subject In Music And Life

Music is a complicated concept and so is life.  In combination with each other, we begin to understand how we can cultivate happiness in life through the gift of music.  So if life is a gift and so is music, why not be it?  When we understand how musical concepts are created we can create the life we want. We do this by thinking about our day-to-day life as music. We all love music and strive to love ourselves and our lives. Let music guide you to who you are so your song comes to life.  

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