Introducing the phenomenal Oya, a true force in the entertainment industry who embarked on her extraordinary journey at three years old, singing in church and writing poems. Fast forward to high school, where her keen eye for talent led her to become the first teenage woman of color to start a groundbreaking management company focusing on individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds worldwide. This venture evolved into her first six-figure company, where she worked with giants in the music, fashion, and commercial industries, pioneering in international talent management, art directing, casting, and production.

Oya seamlessly blends her love for music, writing, and performance, a passion ignited during her early years. Her celebrated music career includes projects like “Spirit of Oya,” “My Father’s Star,” dedicated to suicide prevention and mental health awareness, and the heartfelt “Thank You For The Memories,” paying homage to Willie Nelson. She directed and produced the impactful documentary “Ending The Pain,” a program that assists those dealing with depression and suicidal ideation.

With over 20 years of hands-on business experience and degrees in Psychology at both undergraduate and master’s levels, Oya has found the intersection of her love for music and helping people. Beyond her musical prowess, Oya is on a mission to uplift and empower through masterclasses, teaching individuals to stop dimming their light, overcome fears and blocks, connect with their purpose, and take actionable steps toward monetizing their dreams.

In addition to her remarkable accomplishments, Oya extends her influence by passionately speaking at schools and Fortune 500 companies. Her engaging talks draw from her diverse career and education. Whether inspiring students to embrace their uniqueness or guiding corporate professionals towards fostering a thriving work culture, Oya’s dynamic presence and innovative approach make her a sought-after speaker.

Her infectious energy and diverse experiences make Oya a true luminary, from opening for artists like Kymani Marley, Freda Payne, Deitrick Haddon, Brian McKnight, and the musical hitmaker David Foster to working with Fortune 500 companies. So, without further ado, let’s welcome the multifaceted Oya to the stage!

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