The Notes and Art Of Mozart, The Safe Haven of Beethoven
When our lives become dark, our art becomes a part of who we are; an outlet for expression. We get to keep creativity around us and that’s what’s so special about life. When I think of the great composers, I think Beethoven stands out because he adapted to his deafness and composed everyday no matter how destructive his deafness had become and he still rose to the occasion and worked. In my opinion, Beethoven’s deafness wasn’t a tragedy, it was a strategy because he had enormous opportunities to create while approaching his composing differently.
For example, when we are given creative guidelines to work around, we begin to create differently. When we are given guidelines as limitations and we have a limited amount of ideas to work with, we create differently and sometimes more uniquely. Essentially, these parameters help us grow and help us find ways to work around what limits us. Our deficits become gifts in life and we become limitless. We become more of an artist than we thought we could achieve.
Musical Miracles: Mozart and Beethoven
As composers, Beethoven and Mozart both masterfully created their compositions by hearing the music in their heads and notating their ideas without an instrument. The compositions of Mozart and Beethoven are written in certain ranges that are pleasing to the ear.
Beethoven used a lot of lower range of notes as his deafness progressed because the lower range of notes vibrate more and are felt more in the body. As Beethoven went deaf, he composed based on hearing the vibrations of the piano as well as relying on his masterful skills of the language of music.
The Highs and Lows Of Music and Life
Something quite interesting about Beethoven’s use of lower range of notes as he composed, as humans’ we gravitate towards the lower range. For example, the first sounds we hear, before we are born, exist in the lower range. it’s no wonder why people find instruments in the bass range calming. It’s not just the bass keeping the rhythm that makes us want to groove, it’s the low notes themselves. Lower notes provide a sense of security because when we are in the womb, the sounds of Mother’s voice and their heartbeat are heard in a lower range.
The Effects Of Listening To Classical Music
Have you ever listened to classical music and felt a sense of calm? Have you ever wondered why listening to classical music can have such a huge impact on altering your state of being in a positive way? I’m sure you’ve heard of the Mozart effect. The Mozart effect says it in the two words: the effect of Mozart. How does Mozart’s music affect you personally? I’m not a neuroscientist, but there is a science to music, especially classical music.
The Mozart effect is a form of music therapy. When we listen to Mozart, the higher ranges of notes used have a calming effect. The reason why higher ranges of notes are calming in Mozart’s work aren’t just the frequencies, it’s the melodies, repetitions and dynamics he used.
When In Doubt, Think About Music
Think about what we know already about music. Music can change us just by listening to music. The brain responds to repetitive motion and sound. Some of what classical music and music in general emphasize are repetitions, patterns, intervals, harmony and melody we may hear. When we hear these components in music, our brains’ become hooked on motifs, sections, dynamics and progressions, as the music is characterized in how the composer approaches a composition.
Hence the term, composition. Classical music holds a certain composure, a stance in the history of music like any other musical era. I think it’s pretty special that classical music and all other genres in music, as with any other art form which have been taught through generations and will continue to do so. Music and art itself never dies anyways. A recording, transcription, or any piece of art that an artist may create will still be there when they die, if they are lucky to be famous of course.
The next time you listen to music ask yourself how the music affects you. Does the music make you deep in thought in someway? Does listening to classical music help you focus? When I listen to Mozart’s music, I can focus much better. My brain gets into the zone of working instead of being bogged down by having trouble focusing. Next time you are listening to music try doing work while listening to music and observe how it helps you focus!