A proposed sequel to the iconic film, Edward Scissorhands:
This movie is to be set in the present day more than half a century after the events of the original movie, appearing to occur sometime in the 1960s. Twelve year old Olivia is sent to live with her grandmother Kim while her mom is recovering from cancer. Kim lives in a suburb reminiscent of quaint 1950s living. Despite seeing some maturity since it was first built is still quite conservative. This is the same community where Kim lived as a teenager and fell in love with Edward Scissorhands. An aged Winona Ryder is to reprise her role of Kim and Olivia is the same granddaughter to whom an old Kim told the story of Edward Scissorhands in the original movie.
Olivia finds her grandmother quite old fashioned. She does not let her use her phone, for example, and makes her eat all her food. One day Olivia decides to go through her grandmother’s old photo albums. She finds pictures of a very young looking Kim, and one of them features a picture of her with an unusually looking curly haired guy with metallic blades for hands. She takes the album to her grandmother and asks her who that person is. Kim tells her that that is Edward Scissorhands. She then asks Olivia is she remembers being told of him when she was little and Olivia says she does. Then Olivia asks her grandmother is she really never went to visit Edward after the incident and Kim says she did not. She explains that she could not go there after Edward tried killing her ex boyfriend (in this version Jim did not die, which I feel portrays the disabled Edward in am ore positive way). Kim assures her it was self defense and that Jim tried to kill him, but that the townspeople did not care. They saw Edward’s hands and assumed it was him. Olivia asks her “So was he left there all alone?” and Kim says sadly “He was?” Olivia says ‘That’s not fair.” Kim says “No it isn’t, but that’s how things sometimes are.” Then Olivia asks “Why don’t you go there now?” Kim says that she is an old lady and can no longer walk up the large hill to the house. Then Olivia ask her why does she not drive there and Kim says “It’s complicated”. Olivia then offers to go up there on her own and Kim tells her that would not be a good idea, as it is not safe for children.
Olivia decides to go regardless. She goes to the hill, climbs up the narrow road. At the base of the hill is a sign advertising an upcoming housing development. Apparently a developer wants to turn the whole hill into houses. Farther up the hill are all sorts of unusual topiaries that Olivia finds interesting. One of them bears an uncanny resemblance to her grandmother when she was young. There are possibly also ice sculptures there, including one looking like a young Kim. Olivia enters the grand but run down looking house, which looks even more run down on the inside. She calls out “Hello” but no answer. She goes up the creaky stairs and starts hearing someone. She asks ‘Edward?” Then she turns a corner and spots Edward Scissorhands! (Timothee Chalamet would be good to play him he he has not aged; if he has aged Johnny Depp should reprise his role). Edward is excited to finally have someone visit him after more than fifty years (with the possible exception of troublemakers who were not the nicest) and immediately takes a liking to Olivia, whom he notices looks kind of like Kim. Edward proceeds to touch her on the cheek with his scissor hands but Olivia backs away. Instead, they sit and talk. Edward still does not talk much, but says he has been all alone all this time. Olivia tells him she is Kim’s granddaughter and how Kim told her all about him. Edward is very intrigued. Olivia also tells him about her mother and Edward shows an understanding.
Olivia goes to visit him again, but one day when Olivia is going up the hill she finds some surveyors for the housing company telling her that she needs to leave, because this is private property and not safe. She leaves, but Edward sees what is going on. Once the surveyors get close to his house and he realizes he is about to be left homeless, Edward walks down the hill and comes knocking on Kim’s door.
Kim is at first shocked to see him but gives him a very big hug, which Olivia is happy to see. Edward tells Kim that missed her and could not stop thinking of her. Kim says she missed him also, but with less enthusiasm than Edward. She lets him stay with her.
Soon the townspeople notice that Edward Scissorhands is back and not everyone is happy. The old people still remember the fight he had with Jim and try to get him arrested. However, law enforcement refuses to pursue the case due to statutes of limitations (or due to a verdict already having been issued). As such, they try to prosecute him on other charges. Some people even suggest killing him. They argue that Edward is an AI and as such has no human rights, but not everyone buys that argument. Meanwhile, there are some, especially young people who are relatively new to the neighborhood, who are appalled by how some are treating Edward just because he looks and acts a bit different. They keep saying that the “incident” only occurred because Jim tried to kill Edward. However, their actions amount to little more than words. They do almost nothing material to help him and that is why the conservative majority who is against Edward is able to prevail.
Eventually Edward is arrested on trumped up charges of child endangerment, but is released the following day due to lack of evidence. Then Kim receives a call from the mayor. He reminds her how hard she has been fighting to keep that house on the hill from being torn down and the surrounding property free from development. He says he is going to work on having the house and property declared city property and only allow for the construction of a few houses at the base of the hill, but under the condition that Edward move back to that house and not come into town ever again. For fifty years things were safe and quiet in the town qand so long as Edward goes back to the hill and stays there, they reason, things will remain that way. Kim reluctantly agrees and Edwards moves back to the place where he had his solitary existence.
Kim will not go up to visit Edward. As such, Olivia resumes her visits. Eventually Kim tells her granddaughter that she should stop visiting Edward. Parents have been talking to her about how she is letting her granddaughter do this and Kim tells her that that only lends credence to the child endangerment accusations and was why Edward got arrested. Olivia insists that Edward did not harm her. Kim believes her but tells her the others want to believe what they want to and do not see it that way. Then Olivia tells her grandmother that she should go and see him, but she gives all the reasons she had given before: her legs are not in good shape, she cannot drive up that hill, etc. Then Kim tells Olivia that if she wants to go see him and does not want him to be all alone, she may do that.
Then the mayor finds out about Olivia’s visit and orders Kim to not let her do that if she wants the deal to stay. Soon after, Olivia’s mother gets better and Olivia is to be sent back home. Olivia tries to convince her grandmother to let Edward move back in with her and let go of Edward’s old dilapidated house, but Kim says no. Whenever Olivia offers a solution, Kim says no. Finally she has to explain to her that what she and Edward had was a long time ago and that she has moved on. She also says that maybe the community is right, and he needs to be kept away from them.
A couple nights before she is to go back home, Olivia sneaks out her phone and looks up places that are accepting of people who look different. She finds that New York (or a fictional city that is very similar to New York or Gotham) is very accepting and shw buys Edward a bus ticket. The night his bus leaves, Olivia walks up the hill one last time and walks Edward down telling him she found a great place for him. As they walk down the quiet streets of the town, a car approached them and an old but still agile man comes out. It is Jim (played again by Anthony Michael Hall) and he says “You aren’t going to get away with this!” He once again tried to kill Edward, or at least physically attack him. He tells him “You tried to kill me once. You think you can get away with this due to statutes of limitations. But you are wrong.” Olivia tells Jim “No, YOU tried to kill Edward!” He looks at her wondering how she knows that and she says “My grandma told me everything that happened. I know you were her boyfriend and you got jealous of Edward so you tried to kill him.” He tells her ‘You are mistaken young lady”. In the commotion, other residents step out. Then Kim arrives. She had been driving around the neighborhood looking for her granddaughter who snuck out. Catching Jim, she asks him ‘Trying to kill Edward again?” Jim is quite excited to see his ex girlfriend and yells out “Kim!” She says “Drop your weapons. What you are doing is not worth it.” Then Kim asks her granddaughter what is going on. Olivia tells her she got Edward a ticket to the new city, realizing he would be more accepted there. She agrees to drive both Olivia and Edward to the bus station, where they all bid each other a warm farewell.
In the new city, Edward finds all sorts of strange looking people: people with usual hairdos and colors, various LGBTQIA+ people, people with all sorts of disabilities and deformities, and even another person with scissor hands which Edward is very excited about. There are here also people who look completely normal. This will reinforce the notion what while people who are a bit different may need a special place where they will be accepted, they should not be segregated from the rest of society of from “normal” people. While in the new city, Edward meets a beautiful woman with a large reptilian tail. And they fall in love.