There are many figures around the world that have left their mark on history. From Martin Luther King Jr., Albert Einstein, and even Muhammad, these individuals have altered the course of history through their actions in life. But there’s one thing about these historical figures that has probably slipped your mind. Do you want to know? The answer is that out of the millions and billions of people across the globe, many of these individuals are called “One-Percenters.”

What Are One-Percenters?

Confused? Don’t worry, we’ll explain in greater detail. Basically, One-Percenters are individuals who exceed the expectations of society as a whole. Another term to describe them are “Neurodivergents,” meaning that they process information and challenges differently than the average person. Let’s use Winston Churchill as an example: before becoming the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK), he struggled dealing with a lisp, meaning he couldn’t quite pronounce the letter “s.” Despite his best efforts to resolve this, he never succeeded.

Leading by Example

But he didn’t let that stop him. Instead, he used this to his advantage and made it a part of his oratory, which became prominent in many of his writings and speeches. His words reached the hearts and minds of the people, and he was eventually elected as Prime Minister of the UK. Another example of a One-Percenter is Harriet Tubman. Born into slavery, she was mistreated by the overseers in 1822. Those said-negligence eventually led to her receiving a brain injury, which caused her to have a series of dizziness, headaches, and spells of narcolepsy; which is a disorder that hampers the ability of controlling sleep-wake cycles.

Despite the injuries, that didn’t stop her from escaping slavery and leaving her mark on history by becoming an abolitionist of slavery in the US. She orchestrated at least thirteen missions to rescue approximately seventy enslaved people through use of underground railroad networks. In her later years, she served as an activist for the “Women’s Suffrage” movement. One final example of people leaving their marks on history is John Nash, a brilliant mathematician who made numerous contributions to the realm of numbers and equations. But the thing that makes him stand out is that he was a schizophrenic, meaning he would, at times, see and hear things that weren’t there, leading him to have extreme paranoia.

Staples of Humanity

Even though this hampered his ability to teach at times, with the right assistance, he was able to block out the noise and visions in his head and rise above the ranks within the academic field. Years later, because of his brilliant mind with mathematics, he achieved awards for his breakthroughs and contributions and gained much recognition moving forward. Despite these challenges, these individuals achieved the impossible and strived to larger goals in life, which eventually led them to be remembered throughout the course of history. Their stories and life experiences are lessons for the future that the challenges we face are simply stepping stones for us to overcome; to achieve our life-long goals and eventually leave our marks on history.

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